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期間 : 2023年9月4日(月)~9月24日(日) 時間 : 10時~19時 場所 : DRELLA アートギャラリー 住所 : 〒150-0034 東京都渋谷区代官山町15-10 Grove 代官山 1F DRELLA : ND CHOW :


シンガポール出身の天才フォトグラファー、アンディ・チャオは代官山の街を舞台に、アート、音楽、ファッションなど様々なジャンルで活躍する5人の女性モデルを撮影した、街と人の関係、存在の哲学をテーマにした写真展「DAIKANYAMA.ST(代官山ストリート)」を 9月4日から24日まで、渋谷区代官山町の現代アートギャラリー「DRELLA」で開催。あわせて、部数限定の同名タイトルの写真集を発表する。

綾瀬はるか、深田恭子、広瀬アリス、堀北真希をはじめ数々の有名女優の写真集を手掛けてきたアンディ・チャオによるオンプレネール(屋外制作)の写真展は、2020年2月にコロナ禍で開催途中に中止となった綾瀬はるかをモデルに起用した「POKE’ CHOW ~Leave Only Footprints~」以来、3年半ぶりの待望の開催となる。代官山の街を撮影の舞台として選んだ理由をアンディ・チャオは「都会の喧騒から一歩離れ、芸術的でボヘミアンな要素も感じる、この街のどこか気高い空気感にずっと惹かれていた」と語る。


今回の写真展「DAIKANYAMA.ST」のモデルは、渡辺みり愛(女優、元乃木坂46)、Chocomoo(イラストレーター)、広瀬ちひろ(suga/es ドラマー)、キャリー・ライ(ファッションモデル、元 ViVi 専属モデル)、岸川佳世(舞台女優、ミスグランドジャパン 準グランプリ)の5人。アンディ・チャオは「同じ街を舞台に異なるタイプの女性たちを撮ることにより、一人一人の個性と魅力がさらに際立ち、街の多彩な表情、街と人との物語が浮かび上がってくるのはユニークな体験だった」と語る。

ラサール芸術大学(LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore)の美術学修士(Master of Fine Arts)を保有するアンディ・チャオは、芸術写真の領域において様々なテーマの研究に取り組んでおり、今後、代官山の街を舞台に季節ごとに撮影を行い「DAIKANYAMA.ST」を継続していくことを予定している。

ND CHOW(アンディ・チャオ)コメント


ND CHOW(アンディ・チャオ)プロフィール フォトグラファー、フィルムディレクター、クリエイティブディレクター

シンガポール出身、ラサール芸術大学 MFA(美術学修士) 青年期、世界と自分自身の発見のために世界中を放浪。この時期に今日の写真家としての感性、美学、哲学を形成する。2000年以降、東京に活動拠点を移し、ウィーン国立歌劇場音楽監督を務めた世界的な指揮者、小澤征爾を撮影した初の写真集を出版。北野武、坂本龍一、木村拓哉、福山雅治、トム・ハンクス、パティ・スミス、シンディ・ローパー、ファレル・ウィリアムス、リアム・ギャラガー、長澤まさみ、石原さとみ、広瀬すずのポートレート、 綾瀬はるか、深田恭子、堀北真希、広瀬アリス、佐藤健の写真集、コカコーラ、アディダス、パナソニック、SEIKO、KOSE の広告、資生堂 ANESSA、JR、 楽天モバイルのCM映像、anan、東京カレンダーの表紙などを手がける。鋭い洞察力と遊び心で、レンズの向こう側にある被写体の仮面を剥ぎ取り、被写体の内側に秘められた真の美を表出させる卓越した能力を持つ。


ND Chow, a prodigious photographer from Singapore, held "DAIKANYAMA.ST (Daikanyama Street)," a photography exhibition on the relationship between the city and its people and philosophy of existence, in which he photographed five female models active in various genres such as art, music, and fashion, in the town of Daikanyama, from September ST (Daikanyama Street)," an exhibition of photographs of five female models, focusing on the relationship between the city and its models and their philosophy of existence. In addition, a photo book with the same title will be released in a limited number of copies.

The on-preneur (outdoor production) photo exhibition by ND Chow, who has produced photo books of many famous actresses including Haruka Ayase, Kyoko Fukada, Alice Hirose, and Maki Horikita, will be held at the "POKE' CHOW" exhibition featuring Haruka Ayase, which was canceled in February 2020 at the Corona Disaster Relief Center. CHOW ~Leave Only Footprints~," which was canceled in February 2020 due to the Corona disaster. Andy Chao explains why he chose the town of Daikanyama as the setting for the shoot: "I have always been attracted to the somewhat noble atmosphere of this town, which is a step away from the hustle and bustle of the city and has an artistic and bohemian element.

Named the "Coolest City in the World" in 2021 by Time Out magazine's global survey, Daikanyama is one of the most popular areas in Tokyo, with its fashionable Brooklyn-style streets dotted with art galleries, cafes, and designer stores. The neighborhood has an international environment with embassies from eight different countries, making it a creative hub for artists, designers, and creators.

The models for this year's "DAIKANYAMA.ST" photo exhibition are Miria Watanabe (actress, former Nogizaka46), Chocomoo (illustrator), Chihiro Hirose (suga/es drummer), Carrie Lai (fashion model, former ViVi exclusive model), and Kayo Kishikawa (stage actress, Miss Grand Japan runner-up). ND Chow says, "It was a unique experience to photograph different types of women in the same city to further highlight each individual's personality and charm, and to bring to life the diverse faces of the city and the stories of its people.

ND Chow, who holds a Master of Fine Arts from LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore, is involved in research on various themes in the field of fine arts photography. He plans to continue "DAIKANYAMA.ST" by taking photographs of the city of Daikanyama on a seasonal basis.

ND CHOW Comment

I wanted to capture the stories lying on the streets of Daikanyama with my camera. I have always been attracted to the somewhat noble atmosphere of this town, which is a step away from the hustle and bustle of the city and has an artistic and bohemian element to it. The cityscape shows various expressions depending on people's daily activities, intersecting thoughts, and the changing of the seasons. This photo exhibition explores the relationship between the city and its people, and the philosophy of existence, through photographs of women living in the present day in Daikanyama. Sometimes quiet, sometimes dynamic, the women standing in the streets express harmony and interaction with their environment. The emotions reflected in their eyes express the empathy and loneliness within their hearts. In the summer of 2023 in Daikanyama, a time and place where the past and future intersect, a moment captured and eternal.

Profile of ND CHOW

Photographer, Film Director, Creative Director

Born in Singapore, MFA, LaSalle College of the Arts

As a young man, he wandered the world to discover the world and himself. Since 2000, he has been based in Tokyo, where he published his first book of photographs of the world-famous conductor Seiji Ozawa, who served as Music Director of the Vienna State Opera. Takeshi Kitano, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Takuya Kimura, Masaharu Fukuyama, Tom Hanks, Patti Smith, Cyndi Lauper, Pharrell Williams, Liam Gallagher, Masami Nagasawa, Satomi Ishihara, Suzu Hirose, portraits of Haruka Ayase, Kyoko Fukada, Maki Horikita, Alice Hirose, Ken Sato, Coca-Cola, She has also worked on ads for Coca-Cola, Adidas, Panasonic, SEIKO, and KOSE, commercial images for Shiseido ANESSA, JR, and Rakuten Mobile, and the covers of anan and Tokyo Calendar. With a keen sense of insight and playfulness, he has a remarkable ability to unmask the subject behind the lens and bring out the true beauty hidden inside the subject.


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